CIB wants your comics for the Berliner Fenster, season 5! Deadline Nov 7 2022
We continue our feature of comic stories in the Berlin subway screen program ‘Berliner Fenster’. Your story can be autobiographical or fictional, all styles are welcome.
- You must be able to issue us an invoice – for selected stories a fee of 200€ is paid
- Send us your comic story in separate JPG or PNG files in 72dpi resolution, in two versions: 800×600 pixels (for the subway) and 1600×1200 pixels (for CIB website)
- Send a title screen for the start and a credit screen to place at the end (with info on where to find your comics online)
- At least 30pt font size – in the subway the stories are read from a distance of up to several meters – no text works fine too
- Color or black+white, both are good
- Story can have between 4-8 panels/screens, you should be able to read it comfortably in 40 seconds
- Super tiny details aren’t recommended, see viewing distance
- It’s good if the story works as a standalone
- We prefer stories created for the Berliner Fenster format instead of using existing material
- We prefer full stories to one-screen-gag cartoons
- Keep in mind your story will be broadcast at some point in 2023, so it might be a good idea not to refer too much to current events
- Also mind that the story will be seen by children – no visual disturbing content please (violence, etc.)
- In your email with the story, please include the full text of your story in a separate doc so that we can add alt-text to the comic on the website., please also include your pronouns and your Instagram username or website link
- You can send in one or several stories for selection, but only one story will be shown per artist per year
- If you have a great idea but can’t send a finished story before the deadline, send a sketch/draft of your story
Feel free to check out some previously broadcast stories for inspiration and format.
Send your story (or draft or questions) to cibpresse@gmail.com
Berliner Comic Fenster is supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds and by Berliner Fenster/Mcrud. Thank you!