Gezeichneites Selbstportrait von Nacha
  • Born in 1983 in Río Cuarto, Argentina
  • Works with comics, illustration and graphic design and teaches workshops and classes
  • Lived for several years in Hamburg, where she studied at the Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
  • Studied and obtained her Master of Arts advised by Anke Feuchtenberger, among others
  • She is featured in the Informe. Historieta del siglo XXI (2015) anthology.
  • She is a member of the street art collective Carbonillas Projekt and participated in the Litprom-Literaturtagen 2020: Migration – Literatures without a fixed address
  • Her graphic novel Fußnoten/Footnotes was published in 2017 in Argentina and in Deutschland
  • Also available to read in German: comics for STRAPAZIN #138 and #139