Captain Berlin: Fall of the Wall / Rebirth – Comic reading with Jörg Buttgereit and FuFu Frauenwahl

The exciting events in Captain Berlin #13, which told us the true story behind the fall of the Berlin Wall, culminated in the union of Comrade Berlin (Captain Berlin’s socialist counterpart) with a symbiotic extraterrestrial costume. In issue 14, we finally find out how the Captain confronts his newly invigorated nemesis, and how the story will reach its dramatic conclusion!

This is a special kind of comic book reading. It not only covers the entire plot of issues 13 and 14, but also features music, sound effect, cinematic action – and the audience can even participate themselves!

There will also be a small exhibition of FuFu’s original pages (for this evening only).

May 5, 18:00

Reichenberger Str. 114
2. Hinterhof
Kreuzberg, Berlin