Save the Date! On October 16, 2022 we start UNTYPICAL, the autumn part of this year’s ComicInvasionBerlin.
As you might know, we had planned to show many Russian comics and graphic novels in May. But, due to the war in Ukraine we had to adjust a few things. We understood that as comic artists we are united. Therefore we want to show a spectrum of historical, activist, queer and very personal works.


16.10. 14:00
READING: Totschka Library
Comic author and journalist Anna Rakhmanko reads from her books in Russian and Ukrainian language.
Kyffhäuserstraße 23 10781 Berlin Schöneberg

EXHIBITION: StudioTrouble
Opening: 20.10. 18:00
Victoria Lomasko, Anna Rakhmanko & Mikkel Sommer, Yana Frank (Miu Mau), Olegti, Lilya Matvejeva
Broader spectrum of political, historical & personal works.
ART SALE Draw for Ukraine: Exhibiting artists create artworks during the exhibition to be sold and support Sunflower Care an NGO that helps people with disabilities in Ukraine.
Manteuffelstraße 73 10999 Berlin

EXHIBITION: Keller Kreuzberg
Anna Rakhmanko & Mikkel Sommer, Victoria Lomasko, Yana Frank (Miu Mau)
Erotic, activist, LGBTQ+, sex positivity, kinky works
Reichenberger Straße 48 10999 Berlin

23.10. / 19:00
Hinterhof — A portrait of a dominatrix in Berlin by Anna Rakhmanko & Mikkel Sommer. With a panel discussion about sex work with Johanna Weber (BesD) and a music performance by the dominatrix Dasa Hink.
Haasestraße 1 10245 Berlin

24.10. / 18 –19
ARTIST Q&A: StudioTrouble
Mikkel Sommer (EN)
Illustrator / Comic Artist with Anna Rakhmanko
Manteuffelstraße 73 10999 Berlin

7.11. / 4:30
WORKSHOP: Totschka Library
Make your own zine during a 2 hr workshop. Methods, tricks and know-how from Yana Frank / Miu Mau (DE, RU, EN)
Totschka Berlin, Kyffhäuserstrasse 23, 10781 Berlin Schöneberg
Moscow / Leipzig
Victoria Lomasko is a Russian political artist who was based in Moscow until March 2022.
She has a degree in Graphic Arts from Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Lomaskoʼs art is based on the synthesis of text and images. Her work is internationally exhibited and published and also appeared in papers like The Guardian and The New Yorker.
Siberia / Berlin / Athens
Anna was born in a small town in the depth of Siberia.
During her studies of international journalism and political sciences in St. Petersburg, Paris and Berlin she was constantly involved in various refugee-projects. With her journalistic background she writes journalistic graphic-novels, e.g. the newly released Hinterhof with Mikkel Sommer as the illustrator.
Website: @anna_vladi
Copenhagen / Berlin / Athens
Mikkel is a Danish artist based in Berlin and Athens.
Over the past thirteen years he worked with editorial illustration, concept art for animated films, childrenʼs books and made a wide range of comics. Among his publications are three books in collaboration with Anna Rakhmanko, namely: Vasya –Your Grandpa, Strannik and Hinterhof.
Dushanbe / Berlin
Yana was born in Tadjikistan into a Latvian and Russian artist family. During the civil war in Tadjikistan in 1989 – the family fled to Berlin.
Yana has shown and published numerous illustrations, animations, books and comics during the last decades. With her colorful, cute, kinky, enlightening and humorous art she was one of Russiaʼs top ten bloggers until she was blocked by the Russian government.
Moscow / Toronto
Moscow born Olegti is a modern classic of Russian alternative comics. Above that, heʼs a designer, illustrator, animator, conceptualist, writer, artist and sometimes even a teacher.
In the Russian speaking internet Olegti is famous for his philosophical cat comics. When Russia attacked Ukraine, he started his comics of Volandeput to speak out against the war.
Krasnoyarsk / Berlin
Lilya was born in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia and studied illustration in Moscow in the class of Victor Melamed & Tanya Ivankova.
Since 2021, Lilya worked as an artist for the NGO Memorial International – a human-rights organization that was liquidated by the Russian government in 2022. Lilya emigrated to Berlin in March 2022.
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