FESTIVAL WEEKEND: SEPTEMBER 4/5 – Livestreams, Artist Alley, Workshops and more!

ComicInvasionBerlin will take place this year on September 4 and 5 as a hybrid festival.

Most of the program will be broadcast in two simultaneous streams from the Museum for Communication Berlin. There will also be exhibitors, exhibitions and hands-on activities that can only be experienced live in the Museum. As always, everything is for free and for everyone!

Important instructions

Saturday 9/4

Stream 1

10:15Live Action Quiz
From the Printing Press to the Speech Bubble!
10:45Teaser: Exhibition Role models. Feminism in Comics and Illustration
11:00Irgendwas mit Medien. Du störst!
Reading + Talk with Burcu Türker and Hannsjana
12:00Presentation of Berlin’s 2021 Comics Grant recipients
Tagesspiegel editor Lars von Törne will personally present this selection of artists, with interviews and excerpts from their work
13:00Beyond Autistic-Hero-Girl
Daniela Schreiter in conversation with Lara Keilbart
13:30🇫🇷 Presentation of the FondsBeton in support of Franco-German comics projects
Scary Beautiful Finger-Puppet Monsters
16:00🇫🇷 Talk/Introduction:
Catherine’s War – Claire Fauvel in conversation with Augusto Paim
17:00Gott versus Papa Dictator!
Live drawing with Aike Arndt and Mic
18:00Musik und bunte Bilder:

Stream 2

10:45🇫🇷 Interview: Schick Workshop Campus Cactus with Mawil and Yassine de Vos
11:30Girls’ Love – a “new” genre of manga in Germany (Talk by Verena Maser)
12:30Two short films (Englisch/with engl. subtitles):
– Verlagswesen (Annette Köhn)
– Living Archives (Clayton Junior)
14:30🇫🇷 Introduction:
Même Pas Mal Verlag
15:00🇫🇷 Introduction:
ComicInvasion co-founder Wandrille and his publishing house Vraoum
15:30ComicInvasion Shorts Mix
16:00Comic-Colloquium presents:
Where can I find the comics? Self-published comics and manga, libraries and the legal deposit (Talk by Miriam Stenger)

11:30 only via Zoom: Schick Workshop Campus Cactus with Mawil and Yassine de Vos

Only in the museum:

10-18:00Exhibition: Role models. Feminism in Comics and Illustration
10-18:00Exhibition: The Berlin Comics Grant 2021
12-17:00Family activities live at the Museum
Three stations in the Museum invite comics fans young and old to participate in their own creative activities. Come up with wild, colorful and funny characters or become your own superhero!
Station 1: Superpowered Superhero Masks
Superheroes in comics are, of course, not supposed to be recognized. In their daily lives and at school, they are perfectly normal kids. But when they put on their superhero masks, it gives them superpowers! Take a selfie in the megacity of Communication and post photographic proof for your grandparents and your circle of friends.
Station 2: Photo Story in Unknown Worlds
If not in Berlin, which world would you like to live in as a comics character?  The deep sea? An ice planet? The jungle? With magical beasts or three-eyed creatures? Using green screen technology and photo editing tricks, conjure your own fantasy world on the iPad!
Station 3: Toilet Paper Wire Character Thingies
We’re saving the world a little bit at a time and making precious treasure out of “garbage”! Even a whole family of superheroes can be created from it to help us keep Planet Earth clean. Off we go – grab the pliers, the recycling material, the hot glue and – zzzackwoooomhooooeee – bring the toilet paper wire thingies to life!
14-16:00Role models in the house.
Live-drawing with comic artists Aisha Franz, Karolina Chyzewska, Sheree Domingo and DJane Mo Chan (Team Pommes)

Sunday 9/5

Stream 1

10:30Comic-Colloquium presents:
The sleeper wakes. A presentation on “images of the future” in comics and caricature (Talk by Christian A. Bachmann)
11:00Über Leben – Maki Shimizu in conversation with Gesa Ufer
Grin-Scream-Scary-Yippeee-Face (TBC) (R)
12:00Girls Love – ein „neues“ Manga-Genre in Deutschland (Verena Maser) (TBC) (R)
Kubuni. Comics aus Afrika
14:00Live Action Quiz
From the Printing Press to the Speech Bubble!
14:30Die Unheimlichen – A reading and conversation with Olivia Vieweg and Aike Arndt
15:30Comic-Colloquium presents:
The drawing pad as a journalistic tool
(Talk by Augusto Paim)
Preisverleihung des inklusiven deutschen Comicpreises der Independent-Szene
17:00🇫🇷 A Franco-German conversation on the topic of zine libraries featuring La Fanzinothèque de Poitiers, Schikkimikki, Le Fanzinarium, Bibliothek des Archivs der Jugendkulturen

Only in the museum:

10-18:00Exhibition: Role models. Feminism in Comics and Illustration
10-18:00Exhibition: The Berlin Comics Grant 2021
12-17:00Family activities live at the Museum
Three stations in the Museum invite comics fans young and old to participate in their own creative activities. Come up with wild, colorful and funny characters or become your own superhero!
Station 1: Superpowered Superhero Masks
Superheroes in comics are, of course, not supposed to be recognized. In their daily lives and at school, they are perfectly normal kids. But when they put on their superhero masks, it gives them superpowers! Take a selfie in the megacity of Communication and post photographic proof for your grandparents and your circle of friends.
Station 2: Photo Story in Unknown Worlds
If not in Berlin, which world would you like to live in as a comics character? The deep sea? An ice planet? The jungle? With magical beasts or three-eyed creatures? Using green screen technology and photo editing tricks, conjure your own fantasy world on the iPad!
Station 3: Toilet Paper Wire Character Thingies
We’re saving the world a little bit at a time and making precious treasure out of “garbage”! Even a whole family of superheroes can be created from it to help us keep Planet Earth clean. Off we go – grab the pliers, the recycling material, the hot glue and – zzzackwoooomhooooeee – bring the toilet paper wire thingies to life!

Important instructions

  • Events marked with 🇫🇷 are part of our focus on France, but take place in or are translated into German.
  • You have to register here to visit the Museum.
  • The following hygiene measures apply to a visit to the Museum: vaccinated, recovered, tested + AHA rules (mask requirement / distance)
  • The studio space in the Museum will not be open to the public.
  • Please understand that there may be changes on short notice.

Program questions?
Mail to programm@comicinvasion.de

For our comic contest this year we wanted to see what you can think of about “Communities of the Future”.

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