„NUVOLETTE“ – Exhibition El Rughi

If the grey and overcast weather in Berlin has worn you out, then the exhibition “NUVOLETTE” by the eclectic artist El Rughi will not disappoint you.

His psychedelic and colorful art evokes surreal visions that seem to puff like smoke from magic cigarettes, while also addressing important social themes. The works on display in this exhibition represent an explosion of creativity and originality, irony and humor combined with a sharp and expert style that will leave you breathless.

Come and discover “NUVOLETTE” and let yourself be conquered by El Rughi’s unique style.

The vernissage on Friday, May 5 also serves as a kickoff party for our main festival!

Exhibition: May 5 – May 19
Vernissage: May 5 at 20:00

Opening times
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 20:00–23:30
Tuesday: 17:00–20:00
Wednesday: 19:00–23:30
Thursday: 19:30–23:30
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed

Vétomat – Siebdruckcafé
Wühlischstraße 42
10247 Berlin

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