As a replacement program for the postponed #CIB20, we organized a series of online events, readings, workshops and lectures.
The events were mostly streamed live on Facebook and then published on YouTube. Here you can find the previous recorded events:
August 3 Comic Artists Meetup Online
July 27 Hear Me Out (w. Ellen Gabriel + Whitney Bursch)
July 8 Jazmín Varela & Victoria Rodriguez García
July 6 Comic Artists Meetup Online
July 2 Revisionismus im Comic (mit Nacha Vollenweider)
June 25 Lesung Lisa Frühbeis „Busengewunder“
June 18 Reading & Interview: Joris Bas Backer „Küsse für Jet“
June 11 Reading: Büke Schwarz ‘Jein’
June 8 Comic Artists Meetup Online
June 4 Reading: Bea Davies – A Child’s Journey
May 28 Neoangin: Shoxxx Boxxx LIVE DREAM
May 27 Ole Frahm: Proletarität statt Popularität