Dear Berlin comics community, do you have an exciting new comics project that you’d like to show off? An idea for a corona-safe comic exhibit or a cool webinar? Send us your ideas by July 1st and be a part of this year’s ComicInvasion Satellite programming in the week leading up to the main festival!


During the Satellite Week from August 27 to September 3, we’ll be getting Berlin ready for this year’s ComicInvasion, with smaller comic events taking place all over the city and online.

For the second year in a row, ComicInvasion’s main festival will be taking place exclusively online. Unlike last year, however, for 2021 we can at least include offline events in our Satellite programming—provided that they have a very good aerosol/hygiene concept.

This is where you come in: send us your event ideas via our signup form and become a part of this year’s CIB programming! CIB will support your event with online advertising and posters, as well as with online spaces if need be.

All Satellite events must be accessible free of charge, but you can request donations.

No more events can be submitted.