We continue our weekly feature in the subway screen program with comic stories from Berlin comic artists. This year, send us stories that take place in our around the Ubahn. Can be autobiographical or fantastical.
Format: send us comic stories in separate 800×600 pixels Jpg or Png files in 72dpi resolution and – important! – with at least 30pt font size – in the subway the stories are read from greater distance (up to several meters) than in a book. No text is fine too. Color or black and white, both allright. The stories can have as many panels/screens/text as one can read comfortably in 40 seconds. Content on the BF screens is displayed on one screens currently, next to a screen with station info. Super tiny details aren’t recommended, see viewing distance. It’s good if the story works as a standalone.
It’s allright if you send a comic that already exists which fits the format or you create a story for the Berliner Fenster. We rather want stories with 3-9 screens than cartoony one screen gag entries.
Please send a screen with info where to find your comics online or where to buy your comic books if you have any out. You can send one or several stories for selection, we’ll probably screen one only per artist in the end. For selected stories a fee of 100€ is paid. You need to be able to write an invoice.
Send your stories (or questions) to berlinercomicfenster@gmail.com
Deadline Nov 25th!
Berliner Comic Fenster wird unterstützt vom Hauptstadtkulturfonds und vom Berliner Fenster.